Thursday, June 9, 2011

Networking - Building Exposure For Your Business

One of the biggest things for any business is exposure. One of the ways to expose your business is by attending a networking association. There are plenty of networking associations to get involved with. For instance here in Portland, OR, Portland Business Alliance, Oregon Executive Association, Oregon Entrepreneurs Network just to name a few. These network groups are made up of like minded people that share in each others business in one way or the other. This is a positive growth factor to be affiliated with in one way or the other, if you happen to be a guest of someone, or just decide to attend to check things out you are able to give a 30 second to one minute pitch about your business.

Now I don't know about you but I could use the business when ever possible. I really don't like sitting around unless I am sitting behind my computer screen working somehow whether it be posting on craigslist, making a video for the youtube acct., or blogging. The point here is to just stay active on the computer. There are so many distractions that the internet has to offer today that it is necessary to stay focused on what you are doing and what your really after.

I like the freedom of owning a business. I like telling myself what to do and when to do it and not having someone else telling me what and how to do what I already know how to do. Now if this was a customer telling me how they wanted their fence to look then of course I will be listening and complying with their requests. That is freedom of business.

If your now involved in some kind of networking association may I suggest that you seek one out and attend an event to see what is really happening behind the scene of business. There are a lot of great experienced and motivated people that attend these functions and they are a wealth of information once you get to know some of these people that are associated with these functions. Build exposure for yourself and your business, remember word of mouth is huge, because how will your business ever take off if you or someone else doesn't speak about it to anyone else? Even if you contact an advertising agency to place an ad your creating word of mouth exposure. Let your word be impeccable to your business. Help your business grow by attending a networking association event. Who knows you might gain a new customer or a new friend and the possibilities from there should lead to success and with that success it should demand more action to maintain the results your looking for.

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