Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Growing Pains Are A Good Thing

 So,..that's what has been going on,..growing. Going through pains at times too. It's all good though,..have been blessed with some good employees and that's really what makes it or breaks it for any company to stay in business. Employee's. 

Here is a photo of the two crews,..one of the guys is a floater. He goes between trucks depending on the demand of the work projects. 

We need to be just as cautious as everyone else during these times,..so I wrote them each a letter stating that they have a right to be traveling from home to work or traveling back home from work as we are in a grey area of the Executive Order 20-12 here in Oregon

Where we provide a service that maintains the security and safety of residences.

This keeps food on their tables

Speaking of food on the table,..we started reading from the book of Mark every Monday morning before they head out on the work assignments,..they appreciate the involvement with the small five to ten minute discussion after reading the passage. Great way to start the week from what I have been told.

Like I said growing pains are a good thing

Keep smiling!