Friday, June 24, 2011

CCB Makes Continuing Education Easy

After renewing my CCB license there was a post card type of advertisement with a question, "Did You Know?"

What I didn't know is that the CCB now requires residential specialty contractors to take continuing education courses. So now I do and have started my CE with the CCB. One thing for sure is that the CCB has made online CE so very easy to use. Videos that have the class broken down into segments with a few questions on the topic after every short video. This kind of CE can be done in the comfort of your living room, bedroom, or even at the office. The point here is that CE with the CCB has been made really easy for us to use.

I was able to print off my first certificate of completion, I can manage my CCB license from the comfort of my living room with just a couple key strokes on the keyboard, I can even sign up for a e-newsletter delivered right to my box quarterly, also see up to date information as it happens. It's like having all the latest news updates that the CCB has to offer right at your fingertips.

Here is the web site address for those of you in Oregon seeking to file for your CCB license. It is

Contractors can monitor the license status of subcontractors online. This one here is huge for those general contractors having to sub the work out. Even in preparing the bid to get accurate numbers to place in the proposal. What if you used some numbers for a proposal from a said contractor that wasn't licensed as a sub and you used their numbers for your proposal. You get the job and now have to hire a more expensive firm because the numbers you used were from an unlicensed subcontractor. There goes the profit margin.

I was always told that preparation in 95% of the job. And preparation starts at the estimate. If the estimate is prepared properly nine times out of ten the job will go according as planned because even if there is the slightest of unforeseen issues there has been enough built in for the contingency.

Education is important and continuing education as we grow older is just as important as the continuing education provided on the CCB web site. Courses are affordable and there are plenty to choose from out side from the CORE classes needed to be taken. I have 15 hours to go before renewing my license in 2013. With the way CCB has made this CE that should be no sweat.

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