Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Wood Fences Warms A Cold Winter Day

Being a fencer may be hard work at times but it sure has it's rewards. Like today for instance, it may be cold outside but it sure is nice and warm in the house from all the wood fences I have cut down and stored away throughout last year.

I have been told that wood heat is the best kind of heat for the bones. So as long as I have strength in this body to build and repair wood fences I feel that I should keep burning wood to stay warm on these cold winter days with no work orders.

Oh, yeah 

Now for the phone to ring from all the fallen fences that the wind has taken down.

I certainly am thankful for Fix-A-Fence LLC and the living it provides extracted from this earth.

There are more goals to set and attain.

Until the next blog update

Keep Smiling


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